Tensiones admisibles de la madera aserrada estructural de renoval de Tepa (Laurelia philippiana (Phil.) Looser) con clasificación visual.

Catalán L., Jorge
Vásquez V., Luis
Hernández C., Gonzalo
Campos P., Raúl
Mardones Díaz, Pablo


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Linnean and Wallacean shortfalls in the knowledge of arthropod species in Chile: Challenges and implications for regional conservation.

Vergara Asenjo, Gerardo
Alfaro, Fermín M.
Pizarro Araya, Jaime


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Mercado Forestal, Boletín N°92 Marzo 2023 


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Effect of thinning on growth and shape of Castanea sativa adult tree plantations for timber production in Chile.

Benedetti Ruiz, Susana
Loewe Muñoz, Verónica
Delard R., Claudia
Barrales M., Luis
Balzarini, Mónica


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Exportaciones Forestales, Boletín Estadístico Marzo 2023


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